Our programme

Foundations for Christian Ministry

Course description

Our course Foundations for Christian Ministry includes more than 600 hours, but only 305 are officially registered in two courses as non-formal education. This means that at the end of the year, our students will not only receive our traditional BSM Diploma, which is recognized among all of our churches, but also two certificates for 305 academic hours. What follows is the list of subjects included on our official certificates.

Course details

Foundations for Christian Ministry is a programme designed for both new believers in Christ and those who, regardless of how many years they have been in church, seek to build a strong foundation for their faith. This is not a mere ABC of Christian doctrines, rather a rich set of subjects that will help students strengthen their faith in the following three key areas: Spiritual disciplinesAcademic thinking, and Practical ministry.

Certificate 1 — Nr. JNP/2-25.2/22/13

Biblical foundation for Christian ministry


This course aims at deepening the students’ knowledge of the Bible, including its nature, divisions (New and Old Testament), and overall structure (torah, historical books, gospels, epistles, and more). It also aims at introducing students to the context of the different books that compose the Bible, looking particularly at their authors, contemporary geography and intended recipients.

Introduction to the BibleMauro Martinez (Argentina)16
Biblical History and GeographyMarina Gustsone (Latvia)14
Old Testament SurveyDamaris Pedraza (Argentina)18
New Testament SurveyAlvis Freidenfeld (Latvia)16
PentateuchNatalia Antonicheva (Latvia)18
Synoptic GospelsMatias Pecile (Argentina)18
Acts of the ApostlesTom King (UK)14
Pastoral EpistlesNikolai Grib (Latvia)14
Epistle to the RomansMark Jakovlev (Latvia)16
First Epistle to the CorinthiansTom King (UK)16


After this course, students will be able to:

  • Distinguish the divisions and structure of the Bible, as well as explain its divine nature.
  • Recognise biblical authors, their letters, recipients, as well as their relationship with the overall biblical message.
  • Appreciate the historical and cultural value of Scripture today.
  • Draw from the Bible spiritual, relevant, and practical insights for today’s Christians.

Certificate 2 — Nr. JNP/2-25.2/22/14

Theological foundation for Christian ministry


This is a theological course whose primary purpose is to teach students skills for developing a Christian mind. It aims at helping students think theologically, frame their own Christian worldview, and sharpen their ability to critically reflect. Additionally, it looks to equip students with the necessary knowledge to better articulate their faith in light of contemporary challenges the Church faces today.

Theology I: Theology properVictor Volchenko (Latvia)22
Theology II: EcclesiologyDaniel Ozolinkevich (Latvia)12
Theology III: SoteriologyDaniel Ozolinkevich (Latvia)12
Theology IV: PneumatologyDoug Linser (US)16
Contemporary Christian History in Eastern EuropeNatalia Antonicheva (Latvia)18
Introduction to ApologeticsErland Zalucki (Latvia)18
Communication SkillsJulija Martinesa (Latvia)15
Physical and Spiritual Health Eva Mence (Latvia)12
Introduction to Ethical SystemsMauro Martinez (Argentina)20


After this course, students will be able to:

  • Articulate the philosophical foundation for Christianity’s most important doctrines: God, the church, and salvation.
  • Read and interpret biblical principles in light of their theology and practice.
  • Make a case for God and their faith in Christ.
  • Draw from the Bible spiritual, relevant, and practical insights for today’s Christians.


Common questions

The academic year at BSM is divided in two parts:

  1. First period — running from the last week of September to December.
  2. Second period — running from January to the first week of June (graduation).

* The dates for the opening day and graduation are confirmed to our students nearer the time.

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Baltic School of Ministry

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